Annsville Creek is a hidden gem on the Peekskill Waterfront. When you drive by, you might think it’s another Hudson River tributary damaged irrevocably by industry. But while there is still industry and commerce on Annsville, the creek has been steadily recovering. It is now an active ecosystem, full of birds, fish, invertebrates, and other creatures.. As Jeff Goldblum said in Jurassic Park, “Life finds a way.”

Join HVH20 on Friday, July 22 when we delve into Annsville Creek. We will gather at 5:30 PM at the Peekskill Waterfront, North Landing, and launch at 6PM. We will paddle a short way across Peekskill Bay then under under the railway tracks into Annsville Creek. While the water is shallow, high tide on July 22 is at 7:06 PM, perfect conditions to paddle down the creek. The paddling distance will be 3–4 miles, depending on how far you want to paddle up the creek, but we will go at a leisurely pace. Stick with the HVH2O guides to learn the wildlife and local landmarks.

HVH2O will be charging $10 for this event. We will be renting paddleboards and kayaks by reservation only, so please contact us at if you need a boat. Otherwise it’s BYOB (Bring Your Own Boat); kayaks, paddleboards, canoes, and other paddle craft are welcome. For people thinking about traveling to us by train, the launch site is a quick walk from the Peekskill train station. Bring a camera, water, and maybe snacks. For paddleboarders, you will need shoes to carry your kit to the launch site.

As far as local wildlife, there’s quite a bit! Deer have been spotted riding in the shallows. There are snapping and other species of turtles swimming about. Large carp are common — you will see them jetting away from your boat leaving a trail or murk. There are also smaller fish which are especially common in the upper reaches of the creek. And don’t forget the birds! Blue herons stalk the shallows. Listen for the trills of redwing blackbirds. Ducks and geese are always there.

We hope to see you for a beautiful and eye-opening evening!